Empress – Eventide

Letra “Empress – Eventide” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

In the still, quiet of night the world is surrounded
In silence
Enraptured by the calm
Yet I can see that you wait for sleep
And pray for reunion in your dreams

Verse 2

I’m the gentle touch of dusk’s fading light
That guides your way to restful slumber
I’m the whisper on the wind as the leaves intertwine
And dance their way between the twilight divide


Adorned in robes of stars
I’ll comfort you
Never apart
Tide with the moon


As the leaves turn to ashes in the snow
I, too, must go away
Fear not for my fatе
As the daylight dies
And night steals thе skies
In gossamer bloom
I’ll find my way to you


Verse 3

Forget your thoughts of the veil caught between us
Embrace me when your courage departs
Unravel patterns that will light up the dark
Know that I’ll never be far

Guitar Solo


As the leaves turn to ashes in the snow
I, too, must go away
Fear not for my fate
As the daylight dies
And night steals the skies
In gossamer bloom
I’ll find my way to you


As the daylight dies
And night steals the skies
In shades of reveries revealing
Echoes of distant dreams left in the past
With the eventide
Taking o’er the skies
In violet-amber hues
You’ll find me beside you
As the daylight dies
And night steals the skies
In shades of reveries revealing
Echoes of distant dreams left in the past
With the eventide
Taking o’er the skies
In violet-amber hues
You’ll find me beside you

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