Embrace – Rubble

Letra “Embrace – Rubble” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Give me your arms open wide
And I will come rushing until we collide
And there’ll be nothing and nowhere to hide
I will be ready whatever you find

Verse 2

We reap what we sow, but nothing will grow
And I’ve waited, I’ve waited for it
We all see what we’re shown, believe what we’re told
Now I’m ready I’m ready for it



I’ll never need you to change
Or take leap after leap out of faith
But I’ll start from the rubble again if you’ll say you will
I’ll never need you to change
Or take leap after leap out of faith
But I’ll start from the rubble again if you’ll say you will


I didn’t mean it that way
Sounds just like something a liar would say
But then we kissed and it gave you away
I know I’m ready whatever it takes


I’ll never need you to change
Or take leap after leap out of faith
But I’ll start from the rubble again if you’ll say you will
I’ll never need you to change
Or take leap after leap out of faith
But I’ll start from the rubble again if you’ll say you will

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