Eloïse – Left Side

Left Side Lyrics

Well I guess I’ll take the train and move far away
And just keep going till I forget all about your face
I’ll make my heart forget about all the love
I’ll tell myself another lie and pretend that you were never enough
But you were always enough you were almost too much for me

I’ll take days as they come and try not to stare
At the man who looks like you standing over there
I’ll breath in and breath out, yell and scream and shout
That I’m not strong enough my skin’s not as tough
As I know yours always was


But some day I will heal I’ll grow another heart
And I guess until then I’ll endure the falling apart
I’ll learn to love the quiet and forget what was said
And maybe one day I’ll return to the left side of my bed
Where lies the blood I bled, where I lost my head, to you

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