Dune Moss – Floating Away

Letra “Dune Moss – Floating Away” Official Lyrics


Streaming tears of lava burning flesh and bone
I am giving the ocean to the flame that burns my throne
I will sit here breathing while you turn to stone
I will run back and forth until you leave me alone


You have fooled me, how cliché but
You’ll decay while I am floating away
You have fooled me, how cliché but
You’ll decay while I am floating away



I’ve lived enough to know I can’t stand the ground
We will go high as long as we are never bound
Let go of the rocks that command and demand
We can run like thе rivers giving life to all the land


You havе fooled me, how cliché but
You’ll decay while I am floating away
You have fooled me, how cliché but
You’ll decay while I am floating away


She was buried deep beneath his history
Now we are here
To live
To fly


You have fooled me, how cliché but
You’ll decay while I am floating away
You have fooled me, how cliché but
You’ll decay while I am floating away


Floating away

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