Drive Safe I Love You, Flora mma, Leo Dolan – 19

Letra “Drive Safe I Love You, Flora mma, Leo Dolan – 19” Official Lyrics

Verse 1
flora mma

Felt good to cry this morning
Thanks for that
Sounds sarcastic, but I’m being sincere
Everything changed
Once the needles pierced my skin
Everything changed
Once I found myself again

flora mma

I know you did the right thing
You know I’d do the same

Leo Dolan

I can’t believe
That it’s your last day being 19
Promise you can come and take my car
If you need it
Baby I appreciate it

Verse 2
flora mma

I missed the turn but I’m on my way back
It was nice to catch up
Even though I heard
You don’t believe in second chancеs
Second chances
I know I was wrong
But can you forgive mе
I know I was wrong
But can you forgive me

Leo Dolan

I know you did the right thing
You know I’d do the same

Leo Dolan

I can’t believe
That it’s your last day being 19
Promise you can come and take my car
If you need it
Baby I appreciate it

Post Chorus
Leo Dolan

I know you did the right thing
I know you did the right thing
I know you did the right thing
I know you did the right thing

flora mma

Yeah, I can’t believe (oh oh oh)
That it’s my last day being 23 (oh oh oh)
Promise you can come and take my car
If you need it
Baby I appreciate it

Leo Dolan

Yeah, I can’t believe
That it’s your last day being 19
Promise you can come and take my car
If you need it
Baby I appreciate it

Post Chorus
Leo Dolan

I know you did the right thing
I know you did the right thing
I know you did the right thing
I know you did the right thing

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