Drew Baldridge – Town The World Forgot

Letra “Drew Baldridge – Town The World Forgot” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Ain’t no interstate runnin’ through it
Ain’t no easy way to get to it
Railroad company closed
Now there ain’t nothin’ left but tracks
In ’68 it was a happenin’ spot
The president came in a campaign stop
But these days no one remembers that


Just single moms and double wides
Old saw mills runnin’ triple time
Yellow ribbons ‘round big ol’ trees
For hometown boys fightin’ overseas
Bibles don’t stay on thebookshelf
Farm hands work the land, man hard as hell
Though on a map it’s just a tiny little unknown dot
God bless the town that the world forgot

Verse 2


State came in an bought a bunch of land
Sold everyone on their big plans
But time turned that field of dreams
Into concrete and waste
Ten years ago the population sign
Read double loaded dust and I
Man, grandpa would never believe


It’s just single moms and double wides
Old saw mills runnin’ triple time
Yellow ribbons ‘round big ol’ trees
For hometown boys fightin’ overseas
Bibles don’t stay on thebookshelf
Farm hands work the land, man hard as hell
Though on a map it’s just a tiny little unknown dot
God bless the town that the world forgot


Still got the sweetest iced tea and the bluest blueberries
There’s a million other reasons
This is right where I’ll be buried


These single moms and double wides
Old saw mills runnin’ triple time
Yellow ribbons ‘round big ol’ trees
For hometown boys fightin’ overseas
Bibles don’t stay on thebookshelf
Farm hands work the land, man hard as hell
Though on a map it’s just a tiny little unknown dot
God bless this town
God bless this town that the world forgot
Yeah, that the world forgot

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