Drake Hilliard – Corona

Letra “Drake Hilliard – Corona” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Got a Corona and I don’t need the lime
‘Cause I’ve got a woman and she’s sweeter than a cherry pie


She loves to call me cabana boy, say, “Pour one more”
Order peaches and cranberry, squeezing the orange
Splash a little water, can you find what I’m looking for?
Sex on the beach, of course


I would walk along the ocean with, you, girl, but I would rather lay in the sand
‘Cause I can walk along the ocean with myself, I’d rather feel your body than the palm of your hand

Verse 2

Another Corona and I won’t need the time
‘Cause I got all my baby’s when I give her all of mine


And she called me cabana boy, said, “Pour one more”
Order peaches and cranberry, squeezing the orange
Splash a little water, can you find what I’m looking for?
Sex on the beach, of course



I would walk along the ocean with, you, girl, but I would rather lay in the sand
‘Cause I can walk along the ocean with myself, I’d rather feel your body than the palm of your hand


Knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
Every time you hold me, I come rolling home
With a knick-knack paddywhack, tickle back, come again
We’re singing knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
Every time I hold you, come rolling home
With a knick-knack paddywhack, tickle back, and come again

Verse 3

No more Corona ‘cause all I need is a lime
To tell my lover that I love her and uncover where the sun won’t shine


And she’ll call me cabana boy, say, “Pour one more”
Order peaches and cranberry, squeezing the orange
Splash a little water, can you find what I’m looking for?
Sex on the beach, of course


I would walk along the ocean with, you, girl, but I would rather lay in the sand
‘Cause I can walk along the ocean with myself, I’d rather feel your body than the palm of your hand


Got a Corona and I don’t need the lime

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