Dr. Alimantado – Best Dressed Chicken In Town

Letra “Dr. Alimantado – Best Dressed Chicken In Town” Official Lyrics

Chicken in town
It’s the best dressed chicken in town

Don’t fly, don’t fly, don’t fly, don’t fly
A mister best dressed chicken
Ring it, zing it, Jah Jah, Jah Jah, Jah Jah, Jah Jah
Jah Jah, Jah Jah, Jah Jah, Jah Jah, hi-higher

I said, mi true mi call

I’m call di best, the best, the dressed, di chicken in the town
I’m call the best, the best, the best, the dressed the chicken in the town

Don’t check for folly-folly-folly
There ain’t no clown to stick around the town
Can’t get no clown to stick around the town, as I would tell you
I don’t check for folly-dolly-dolly-dolly-dilly-dolly, as I would say
Calling up on to you, Jah, an’ Rastamen


Fly, bird, fly away
Do somеthing wise, bird, I would say

Rock it, rock it, rock it, rock it, rock it, rock it, rock it (Yeah!)
The bеst, the best, the best, the dressed the chicken in the town
The best, the dressed chicken in the town
The best, the dressed chicken in the town
I said, the best, the dressed, the chicken in the-
A skeng it, a rang it, Jah Jah, Jah Jah got to ring it
Skeng it, skeng it, skeng it, ring it, ring it, ring it (Yeah!)

Jah Jah, Jah Jah, Jah Jah, guide I, guide I, guide I, guide I
Jah Jah, Jah Jah, Jah Jah, Jah Jah, guide I, guide I, guide I, guide I

That’s right, mister best dressed chicken in town (Ow!)

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