Dope – Fuck It Up

Letra “Dope – Fuck It Up” Official Lyrics

So tell me something different
Something that makes a difference
That you could say with confidence
Start with your stupid ignorance
Completely void of common sense
Sold yourself out with arrogance


Always find a way
You always find a way


Somebody always finds a way to fuck it up
To fuck it up

Verse 2

I don’t believe in innocence
I never seen the evidence
So fucking bored of consequence
So tell me what’s the benefit?
You’re such a fucking hypocrite
I wonder why I give a shit (I don’t give a shit)


Always find a way
You always find a way


Somebody always finds a way to fuck it up
To fuck it up


You always find a way
You always find a way


Somebody always finds a way to fuck it up
To fuck it up
Somebody always finds a way to fuck it up
To fuck it up

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