Dolores Keane – May Morning Dew

Letra “Dolores Keane – May Morning Dew” Official Lyrics

How pleasant in winter to sit by the hob
Listening to the barks and the howls of a dog
Or in summer to wander the wide valleys through
And to pluck the wildflowers in the May morning dew

Summer is coming, oh, summer is here
With the leaves on the trees and the skies blue and clear
And the birds, they are singing their fond notes so true
And the flowers they are springing in the May morning dew

The house I was rearеd in is but a stone on a stone
And all round the gardеn the weeds, they have grown
And all the kind neighbours that ever I knew
Like the red rose they withered in the May morning dew

God be with the old folks, who are all dead and gone
And likewise my brothers, young Denis and John
As they tripped trough the heather, the wild hare to pursue
As their joys, they were mingled in the May morning dew

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