DJ Zay'x, T.H.E. – One Word

Letra “DJ Zay'x, T.H.E. – One Word” Official Lyrics

ONE WORD – DJ Zay’x & T.H.E. ft Morgane Jhâna

Paroles de “One Word” ft. Morgane Jhana

DJ Zay’x

Tsh tsh



Verse 1: Morgane Jhâna

Why was this my life
As if my eyes could only cry
I’d need a good disguise
Or a mask to hide just to feel alive

Pre-Chorus: Morgane Jhâna

I’m gonna be so much stronger to
Sing my song of you’re why the darkness fades away
(Yay) I finally found the voice to say

Chorus: Morgane Jhâna

One word, one look, one comment’s all it took
To wear me down and tear me from the day
You’ve given me one smile, one touch, one hand to lift me up, and
Give me strength to set me on my way

Verse 2: Morgane Jhâna

I’d use almost any muse
Like a drug of view to imagine you
So you have been overdue
Because I never knew how a dream comes true

Pre-Chorus: Morgane Jhâna

I’m already so much stronger to
Sing my song of you’re why the darkness fades away
(Yay, yay) I finally found the voice to say

Chorus: Morgane Jhâna

One word, one look, one comment’s all it took
To wear me down and tear me from the day
You’ve given me one smile, one touch, one hand to lift me up, and
Give me strength to set me on my way


Bridge/Pont: Morgane Jhâna

Voir au delà du miroir ce que je suis et que j’ai batti
J’ai enfin appris à m’aimer prendre tous vos mots et les jeter
Hors de ma peau et mes pensées, je peux dire que je suis
Belle dehors et dedans

Chorus: Morgane Jhâna

One word, one look, one comment’s all it took
To wear me down and tear me from the day
You’ve given me one smile, one touch, one hand to lift me up, and
Give me strength to set me on my way

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