IntroEmpty the clip, I reload itI put a red d"/>

Diegointhedark – Let go

Letra “Diegointhedark – Let go” Official Lyrics


Empty the clip, I reload it
I put a red dot on your forehead
You is not with it, you just posing
Fighting a sickness purple potion
Forgiveness, all that I ask is forgiveness
Since you left can’t get you out my mind
Sometimes I know that I’m tripping
(Okay, okay!)


I jus- I just been taking my time out
But I’m losing the patience that I had
Sometimes I just wanna die now
Can’t fall out, but I got no one to catch me when I fall down
Used to hit outlets on Saturdays and take my cash and ball out


Yeah I know I need to let go
I’m in my mania, I’m feeling very headstrong
I-I-I- I always wonder where I went wrong
Walk through my wonderland her voice is in my headphones
You say you “lovе me”
Baby girl you don’t mean nothing to me
Can’t havе commitment toward anything since everyone leaves
I’m in the background of the party
Feeling like I can’t breathe
I’m mixing benzo’s with my Nehi I can’t feel anything



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