Diablo Diaz – Bless Me

Letra “Diablo Diaz – Bless Me” Official Lyrics


I had get this off my chest
I don’t give a fuck if you get offended

verse 1 -Diablo Diaz

Yeah, At one time everybody only knew ‘bout Terrestrial
This was back in the New Zealand summer of ’20
‘Fore we got struck by the covid-19
(New page on a-) (-Book and a new era in music)
On the gram, they were mocking me, man
I hit the autobahn, at the first sight of trouble
Sam tried make me jealous (Ha, he would fail,bro)
-That he made him and Brenna a couple
A yеar later things ain’t looking good for him
The only thing that lasted long that rеlationship;
Is my uncle Tim’s time as the Lib-Dem leader, back in the UK
I had to switch my lanes,(ha-call me Diablo) in dark of the night


Why I am messy
I don’t need a god to bless me
My bad decisions do get the best of me
20/20 Danti vision helpin’ me to see clearly


What is he on?
What is he-


Verse 2

Holy shit isn’t that Cousin Eddie?
Damn he’s embarrassin’ our whole family
He countiues to post on the gram;
‘Bout “damn this my best track”
Damn, he does this every single time
He can’t even write a ryhme!
He gets ‘bout 2k view on a reel one time
And he goes crazy (hell are you on Eddie)
I know he can do better-er-er-er-er


What is he on?
What is he-

Verse 3

Huh? how I am being embarrassing
I’m making own way in this life
I admit my slate ain’t clean
I ain’t a Christian, but I still can sin
But don’t give me strife
You told you that you know what’s right
If you don’t like what I post
(Just leave!)
Why the fuck you still here?
I made my decree, how did you not hear?


Why I am messy
I don’t need a god to bless me
My bad decisions do get the best of me
20/20 Danti vision helpin’ me to see clearly

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