Derivakat – Fly Before You Fall Lyrics

Letra “Derivakat – Fly Before You Fall Lyrics” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

I see the way that you look when you hear his name
I see his picture up in your frame
And you refuse to admit you still miss him
But it’s okay
You’re a tower of strength when you’re breaking down
But through the wall, I can feel your cry
And when it’s quiet, you’re screaming inside
And I break as I hear you


Loud as a bomb
Wanting a shoulder to cry on
I hear you tumbling fast
Here and now, you’re afraid
Don’t you worry
I’ll teach you to fly before you fall away

Verse 2

It’s in the moments when you’re left all on your own
And it hits you from out of nowhere
You try to hide it sometimes unsuccessfully
With a smile that fades quickly
Your resistance to sadness is futile, but
You’re a fighter, can’t stand defeat
You’re a magician at hiding the hurt from you
But I see and I hear you


Loud as a bomb
Wanting a shoulder to cry on
I hear you tumbling fast
Here and now, you’re afraid
Don’t be scared
Don’t be scared
‘Cause I hear you
Loud as a bomb
Wanting a shoulder to cry on
I hear you tumbling fast
Here and now, you’re afraid
Don’t you worry
I’ll teach you to fly before you fall

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