Den-Mate – Charlotte

Letra “Den-Mate – Charlotte” Official Lyrics

Why do you hang your head low, Charlotte?
Why do you grow your hair long, Charlotte?
Why do you wear that halo, Charlotte?
Why do you grow your hair long, Charlotte?

Would you please direct me?
Cause I don’t know where, it shows
Is that you whose calling
Or is it just my shadow?
You’re telling strangers you know me
What the fuck is there to know?
Why do these people want me
But not my shadow?
Cause I’m a shadow
Cause I’m a shadow
Well, I’m a shadow
Well, I’m a shadow

Why do you hang your head low, Charlotte?
Why do you grow your hair long, Charlotte?
Why do you wear that halo, Charlotte?
Why do you grow your hair long, Charlotte?

Is there a stage
Where I get to leave this mental haze?
Drown me in space
This shadow is a call from grace
Everyone is here and it’s all on me
I cannot keep everyone company
Only to extract from the scene
Once you get a piece of me

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