Den-Mate – Candy

Letra “Den-Mate – Candy” Official Lyrics

I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish

Go and see her as fast as you can
Go and see her as fast as you can

I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish

Go and see her as fast as you can
Go and see her as fast as you can
Go and see her as fast as you can
Go and see her as fast as you can

I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish
I’ll give you candy
I’ll give you fish (Go and see her as fast as you can)
I’ll give you candy (Go and see her as fast as you can)
I’ll give you fish (Go and see hеr as fast as you can)
I’ll give you candy (Go and see her as fast as you can)
I’ll give you fish

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