Deli Girls – ​barriers to love

Letra “Deli Girls – ​barriers to love” Official Lyrics

I asked a question I just didn’t like the answer I pushed them away there was no way
They could hate me and be wrong this is no love song
This is an absence of presence this is an identification of my barriers to love
This is no love song
They could hate me and be wrong
I’m addicted to my own anxiety nothing else is high for me I say yes I accept me and my own insecurities I accept I want myself I chose myself
I want my life I’m still alive
Tired vigilance Hypervigilance Fighter Resonance tighter Distance night of Stimulants
Tired vigilance I see you look at him I see you look at me i know I need to let go or imma get dragged what the fuck you ask ?
I asked a question
I just didn’t like the answer am I enough?

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