Deathome – Where Did The Time Go?

Letra “Deathome – Where Did The Time Go?” Official Lyrics

Where did the time go?
Where did our lives go?
How did we manage
To make it all this way?

In my own honor
In your dishonor
Each year our lifespan
Grows on and on

As calendars change
I start to realize
That clocks tick fast
So enjoy what you have

As we age more and more
Friends appear less and less
Cling on the ceiling
You won’t get your wish

Hold on, hold on, I can’t remember a thing
Wait up, wait up, why do I have a ring?

Where did the time go?
Where did our lives go?
How did we manage
To makе it all this way?

In my own honor
In your dishonor
Each year our lifespan
Grows on and on

From mother’s cooking
To my own cooking
From homе sweet home
To far away

I hate to say it
But I need to go
These years went by so
Fast in a single blink

Hold on, hold on, I can’t remember a thing
Wait up, wait up, why do I have a ring?

Where did the time go?
Where did our lives go?
How did we manage
To make it all this way?

In my own honor
In your dishonor
Each year our lifespan
Grows on and on

Hold on, hold on, I can’t remember a thing
Wait up, wait up, why do I have a ring?

Where did the time go?
Where did our lives go?
How did we manage
To make it all this way?

In my own honor
In your dishonor
Each year our lifespan
Grows on and on

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