DBFC – Jenks

Letra “DBFC – Jenks” Official Lyrics

Everybody has their own rationale don’t they
Of working hard till I can’t get some honkey dorey
My lonely heart whishes to punch out their headlights yeah
So long and something’s gonna happen now surely
I swear that old devil is gonna hit me know quickly
Tonight I’m gonna be everything I want to be
You should tell that I’ll never get enough
You should tell that I’ll never get enough
You should tell that I’ll never get enough
You should tell that I’ll never get

The difference in the air on the other side
Heaven be on the doors how perfect you are
I never wanna leave and tomorrow I’ll think about
Everybody knows that howbubaloo is electric
And hell I’m getting mine and no thousand eyes can stop me
The beginning of my life
How can I die without getting a taste of my own medicine
You should tell that I’ll never get enough
You should tell that I’ll never get enough
You should tell that I’ll never get enough
You should tell that I’ll never get


When you get off
You should hold on
When you get off
You should hold on
When you get off
You should hold on
When you get off
You should hold on

When I’m part of the beautifull now
When I’m part of the beautifull now
When I’m part of the beautifull now
When I’m part of the beautifull now
When I’m part of the beautifull now
When I’m part of the beautifull now
When I’m part of the beautifull now

You should tell that I’ll never get enough
You should tell that I’ll never get enough
You should tell that I’ll never get enough
You should tell that I’ll never get
You should tell
You should tell
You should tell that I’ll never get

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