Dan Hicks – Boogaloo Jones

Letra “Dan Hicks – Boogaloo Jones” Official Lyrics

Boogaloo, yeah
Boogaloo, boogaloo Jones

He’s out on the street, but that’s where he belong
In his $30 conk, he’s a cat that’s gone
It don’t mean a thing if he’s little short of bread
Gets himself in and out by using his head
That’s the man, boogaloo Jones

Boogaloo, how’d you get like that?
Boogaloo, where’d you get that hat?


His clothes are so unique, you wonder where he score
He’s always wearin’ something new, but never in no store
Got his bad act together, he’s had it for some time
His talk is full of color, he can make us even go rhyme

Boogaloo (yeah)
Boogaloo, what was that you said?

He’s got his reason for the way he acts
His moves are down bad, it’s exactly like that
Take a little of this, a little of that
They wonder when he’s comin’, they say “Baby, take that cab”
That’s the man, boogaloo Jones

Boogaloo, yeah
Boogaloo, man, have you

Boogaloo, why ain’t you on, yeah
Here’s the man, boogaloo Jones
Boogaloo, mhm, uh-huh, yeah
Uh-uh, oh yeah

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