Daktyl & Aquilo – 6 Letters

Lyrics, Letras da Musica
Stay, start again to love again.
Change, you’re walking into walls that you can’t break.
I need the shade, to bring my eyes in view.
Four days go by the stain glass I see through.

Clouds will form and then rain,
Take 6 letters from my last name.
Coming home strong for your gain,
Take 6 letters from my last name.
Even though I’ve been reckless,
Tie it up and put it on my necklace.
Clouds will form and then rain,
Take 6 letters from my last name.


Feign, look upon your face of fiction.
Restrain, wander past your contradiction .
I need the shade, to bring my eyes in view.
Four days go by, the stained glass I see through .

Clouds will form and then rain,
Take 6 letters from my last name.
Coming home strong for your gain,
Take 6 letters from my last name.
Even though Ive been reckless,
Tie it up and put it on my necklace.
Clouds will form and then rain,
Take 6 letters from my last name.

Clouds will form and then rain,
Take 6 letters from my last name.
Coming home strong for your gain,
Take 6 letters from my last name.
Even though Ive been reckless,
Tie it up and put it on my necklace.
Clouds will form and then rain,
Take 6 letters from my last name.

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