Cyn – Drinks (MNDR Remix)

Letra “Cyn – Drinks (MNDR Remix)” Official Lyrics

Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink

He got
Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink

He got mad, so I got drinks
No, I’m not walking around in circles worried about what he thinks
Out with my friend, drinking a drink
Alexa knows the bartender so all the drinks are free
He got mad, so I got drinks
Yeah, some shit went down, so now I’m up for anything
Out with my friend, drinking a drink
I don’t know what the problem is, I don’t think it’s me
He got mad, so I got drinks
Yeah, some shit went down, so now I’m up for anything
Out with my friend, drinking a drink
I don’t know what the problem is, I don’t think it’s me

Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink

Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink


He got mad, so I got drinks
No, I’m not walking around in circles worried about what he thinks
Out with my friend, drinking a drink
Alexa knows the bartender so all the drinks are free
He got mad, so I got drinks
Yeah, some shit wеnt down, so now I’m up for anything
Out with my friend, drinking a drink
I don’t know what the problem is, I don’t think it’s mе
He got mad, so I got drinks
Yeah, some shit went down, so now I’m up for anything
Out with my friend, drinking a drink
I don’t know what the problem is, I don’t think it’s me

Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink
He got
Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink
Drinking a drink

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