Cosmic Way – PULSE

Letra “Cosmic Way – PULSE” Official Lyrics

Verse 1: LUNE

Moving tick tick boom like a minute hand
I might never grow old like I’m Peter Pan
Tell me how you breathe tell me what’s the plan
They’ll say no you can’t I say yes I can

Never quit on God, I ain’t lost my faith
I have seen the world, came from outer space
Oh yuh, bulletproof vest babe I’m made of steel
I’ve been lost in thought
I don’t know what’s real

Chorus: LUNE

It’s a melody in the key that my soul sings
Halle-hallelu glowing stars on the ceiling
It’s how I live and breathe yeah this is second instinct
Grandma always said that you gon’ do some big things

It’s a mеlody in the key that my soul sings
Halle-hallеlu glowing stars on the ceiling
It’s how I live and breathe yeah this is second instinct
Grandma always said that you gon’ do some big things

Verse 2: LUNE

Hit rewind and make us all feel like kids again
Before the money and the problems with no innocence
Now my homies are complaining of their their broken hearts
And all the ladies that step on it and rip them apart

So don’t complain about my habits and this music
Because if there’s a way to cope I tend to use it
Oh yuh, we know one day all of this will fade
But I’ma let it all be known until I’m in my grave

Chorus: LUNE

It’s a melody in the key that my soul sings
Halle-hallelu glowing stars on the ceiling
It’s how I live and breathe yeah this is second instinct
Grandma always said that you gon’ do some big things

It’s a melody in the key that my soul sings
Halle-hallelu glowing stars on the ceiling
It’s how I live and breathe yeah this is second instinct
Grandma always said that you gon’ do some big things

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