Conrad Sewell – LIFE

LIFE Lyrics

Verse 1
You make this life worth living
You make it taste so sweet
You make this life worth living
Come live this life with me

Verse 2
You make this heart stop breaking
You make the days complete
You make this heart stop breaking
Come live this life with me

All the nights I’ve waited
For someone like you
All the time I’ve wasted
Without someone like you
Tell me you’ve been waiting
For someone like me
I give you all I have
Forever, and ever and ever

Verse 3
You make my world keep spinning
You make my soul believe
You make my world keep spinning
Come live this life with me

All the nights I’ve waited
For someone like you
All the time I’ve wasted
Without someone like you
Tell me you’ve been waiting
For someone like me
I give you all I have
Forever, and ever and ever

Verse 4 – Reprise Verse 1
You make this life worth living
You make it taste so sweet
You make this life worth living
Come live this life with me
Come live this life with me

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