Confessions Of A Traitor – Twelve

Letra “Confessions Of A Traitor – Twelve” Official Lyrics


Free Me


Get out of my head, get out of my heart
Why are you here when we are worlds apart? (Worlds apart)

Verse 1

You betrayed my loyalty
When all I ever did was treat you like royalty
You’re my possession, to the obsession
Searing feelings of blind aggression


Get out of my head, get out of my heart
Why are you here when we are worlds apart?

Verse 2

Again and again, this circles my mind
There’s no escape
I feel confined
Over and over around we go
I’ve still got nothing, nothing to show
Again and again, this circles my mind
There’s no escape I feel so confined
I feel confined


I have brief moments of clarity
Will I ever see the light of prosperity
The person I am leads my convictions
In hope
I have brief moments of clarity
Will I ever see the light of prosperity
The person I am leads my convictions
In hopes I can overthrow my addictions
The person I am leads my convictions
In hopes I can overthrow my addictions


Out of my head, get out of my head
You’re out of my head

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