Clödie – Hold On

Hold On – Clödie Lyrics Letra:
When you will see the light,
The one that leads the way,
Tomorrow you’ll be here,
Just right next to me.

You say you can’t tread on,
You feel like giving up,
One more time.
Look at me, what do you see?

Can you see the signs?
Following you,
Guiding you to a better place,
And nowhere in between.

Hold on tight,
The sun will shine through your eyes,
Love is the answer,
Hold on tight,
The storms will let you be alright,
Hold on forever.

I look into your eyes,
The deeper I gaze in,
The Garden’s plain in sight,
It’s where I want to be.

A war we will fight on,
And never give it up,
All the time,
The victors we will be.

The flame still burns bright,
I need you with me,
Together here to love and dream,
And we will be free.

Can you see the signs?
Following you,
Guiding you to a better place,
And nowhere in between.

Hold on tight,
The sun will shine through your eyes,
Love is the answer,
Hold on tight,
The storms will let you be alright,
Hold on forever.

Clödie – Hold On

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