Clevt – Always try

Always try Lyrics

(Verse 1)
In the night I’m always thinking
And feeling you under the sky
That’s so bright
Seeing your face heals my sickness
15 seconds ain’t enough
I need one more light
Clevt – Always try
Show me if you have a sign or way
So tell me, what I can do and I fall so hard
Better you say the truth and I fade away
1000 reasons can’t fix my way
So tell me why, so tell me why

Maybe you should know it’s a one-side love
I always doing better in front of you, and I always try
It’s OK if you are not ready for love
I’d keep it in my mind but you know, and I always try


Show me if you have a sign or way
So tell me, what I can do and I fall so hard
Better you say the truth and I fade away
1000 reasons can’t fix my way
So tell me why, so tell me why

Maybe you should know it’s a one-side love
I always doing better in front of you, and I always try
It’s OK if you are not ready for love
I’d keep it in my mind but you know, and I always try
Maybe you should know it’s a one-side love
I always doing better in front of you, and I always try
It’s OK if you are not ready for love
I’d keep it in my mind but you know, and I always try

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