It's hard to articulate, its hard to"/>

Cian Dwyer – Flowers On My Grave

Letra “Cian Dwyer – Flowers On My Grave” Official Lyrics

YYrds”>It’s hard to articulate, its hard to elevate to communicate to escape

To paint the vision on a broken canvas

To hold a candle and be the proudest

Pretty girl chasing the moon, pretty girl gone too soon

I’ll hurt the same I’ll choose the flowers on my grave I’ll choose my name, I’ll choose pain

Cause I’d rather die as myself then live as someone else


I’ll hurt the same I choose pain, I’ll choose my name and the flowers on my grave

Cause I’d rather die as myself then live for someone else

Please don’t hate me, your words made me

Felt tip frustration, I felt it impatience

Waiting for things to change, no hand held in new lanes

A fad a phase a trending case or just ignorance blissful ignorance that things will change

I don’t need approval your validation or frustration

I’ll exist and live my life for myself that’s my test

Things might not be different, might always be the same

But I’ll live to love myself and I’ll choose the flowers on my grave

Things might not be different, might always be the same

But I’ll live to love myself and choose the flowers on my grave

I’ll wear the seam and risk a scene to live my truth

YYrds”>I’ll value my flowers by their petals and love people by their roots

Shouting drowned out by whispers

Cheap lies cut ties

Ignorance is bliss when you live in a bubble

Love is conditional when love isn’t easy hope is medicinal when all else fails

Why is acceptance conditional?

Why is living a truth denied?

To live behind fears and discomfort

To live under judgemental eyes

My choice is life. My life

My choice is life. My life

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