Caspian – Circles on Circles

Circles on Circles – Caspian Lyrics, Letra:
Out of love, out of time,
gotta leave you now,
dream of mine.
Morning’s bitter,
bronze to blame,
spelled me asleep in it’s frozen frame.

There then gone through drifting days,
underworlds in red, black, blue and gray.
Once bright and free,
so hard to leave.
Right ’til the end,
the swallowed sea.

Circles on circles when gray’s run the game,
the gray runs the game.
Circles on circles when shadows remain,
the shadow remains.

Once felt your fire,
warm and near.
Until it burned everything,
searing sneer.
Evening’s promise,
all the same,
spelled me asleep in it’s frozen frame.

Here and now through drifting days,
collisions in red, black, blue and gray.
Bend then collapse,
we all submit,
we all deceive.

Circles on circles when gray’s run the game,
the gray runs the game.
Circles on circles when shadows remain,
the shadow remains.
Circles on circles when shadows remain,
the shadow remains.

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