CARM – Song of Trouble

Song of Trouble Lyrics

Verse 1: Sufjan Stevens
The endless night, the shadow of the valley
The fading light where innocence is dead
I call to each of every angel out there
But I am left with nothing but a cloud

Chorus 1: Sufjan Stevens
Trouble, who will be the last to laugh?
Trouble, so near to me I had to ask
Trouble, have you seen my confidence?
Trouble, why can’t you put an end to this?

Verse 2: Sufjan Stevens & CARM
And through the night I make a resolution
That I must try to be a compliment
So I refrain the secret song of trouble
If it’s impossible I’m moving on

Chorus 2: Sufjan Stevens & CARM
Struggle, focus on the evidence
Struggle, so everything was made for this
Struggle, rise above your consequences
Struggle, why can’t you put an end to this?

Outro: Sufjan Stevens & CARM


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