C2D – Crying Anthem

Letra “C2D – Crying Anthem” Official Lyrics


Riding in my new whip, that’s my 30k
Depressed with my bands, crying to the bank
I’m just staying in my lane, do my own thing
I’m just tryna grow up, baby fuck the fame
It’s okay to grow up, we don’t stay the same
Yeah my pockets growed up, I don’t care I’m lame
Gotta get it like I got it, there’s no other way
Wedding cake up in my lungs, I’m crying in the rain
When I wake up in the morning all I feel is pain
R.I.P my innocence, wish I had it back
Baby I’m so arrogant, don’t know how to act
Too much kush in the air again, had a heart attack
Too much thoughts in my head again
I can’t make it stop



Stop, my thoughts, stop, it hurts
Bad emotions, getting worse
Stays with me, like a curse
I fuck up, make things worse
Hate to talk, don’t convеrse
Live my life, in rеverse
He’s my world, universe
Tears fall down, from my face
I’m not in, a good place
We don’t matter, anyway
Live your life, before decay


Riding in my new whip, that’s my 30k
Depressed with my bands, crying to the bank
I’m just staying in my lane, do my own thing
I’m just tryna grow up, baby fuck the fame
It’s okay to grow up, we don’t stay the same
Yeah my pockets growed up, I don’t care I’m lame
Gotta get it like I got it, there’s no other way
Wedding cake up in my lungs, I’m crying in the rain
When I wake up in the morning all I feel is pain
R.I.P my innocence, wish I had it back
Baby I’m so arrogant, don’t know how to act
Too much kush in the air again, had a heart attack
Too much thoughts in my head again
I can’t make it stop

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