Boyu – Songbirds

Letra “Boyu – Songbirds” Official Lyrics


So spin our souls to the core
I’ll sing a song to wake up the songbirds
Before the morning, I’m out the door

Verse 1

Ayo she introduced herself with a White Claw
She said I know you’re bout to be next to blow up
So here’s a secret I make lovin’ all night long Lets call the Uber cab relax and just go nuts

And in the cab our lips collide it’s just chaos
Your body’s twitching at the tips of my hands
I’m trynna rid your thoughts that this am a player
You’re trynna get across you don’t need no man, perfect


So spin our souls to the core
I’ll sing a song to wake up the songbirds
Before the morning, I’m out the door

Verse 2

The mist is glistening on the harbor
Your sleepy head sends sixty texts to my phone
Inebriated pics I barely remember
Said for the night it was nice to not be alone


So spin our souls to the core
I’ll sing a song to wake up the songbirds
Before the morning, I’m out the door

Verse 3

I got my dreams on my back
I got you on my lap
I got my baggage from the past
Girl I be carrying that
Across the city and globe
Didn’t want you to know
I’m getting bitter
Trying to figure out this life on my own
I got my dreams on my back
I got you on my lap
I got my baggage from the past
Girl I be carrying that
Across the city and globe
Didn’t want you to know
I’m getting bitter
Trying to figure out this life on my own


So spin our souls to the core
I’ll sing a song to wake up the songbirds
Before the morning, I’m out the door
So spin our souls to the core
I’ll sing a song to wake up the songbirds
Before the morning, I’m out the door

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