BonEntendeur, Alice et Moi – Love On Concorde (feat. Alice et Moi) (English Translation)

Letra “BonEntendeur, Alice et Moi – Love On Concorde (feat. Alice et Moi) (English Translation)” Official Lyrics

I remember myself in the sun
And the water
On the beach of our dreams
I felt the heat
Even the sky was hot

I’ll take you, I’ll take you, I’ll take you, I’ll take you
Above, above, above, above
And I am, and I am, and I am in the waves and I fly
I feel so light


Without a noise I take your hand
You dive, and I feel great
And I guess the love of a night
A beautiful summer
I wish to drink you
I want to see you again

And I am, and I am, and I am in the waves and I fly
I feel so light

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