Bobby O – Roleplay

Letra “Bobby O – Roleplay” Official Lyrics


Roleplay, roleplay, roleplay, roleplay, roleplay
Roleplay, roleplay, roleplay, roleplay
Roleplay, roleplay, roleplay, roleplay, roleplay

Verse 1

The other you is the other me
Pretending to be what they want us to be
Do everything extremely


Roleplay, you’re playing a role
But when you play, that’s when you’re whole
Roleplay, you’re playing a role
And when I look at you, I see my soul
Roleplay, roleplay, rolеplay, roleplay

Verse 2

A million different pеople live inside of you
And I’m in love with each of them, that is true
Do everything extremely


Roleplay, you’re playing a role
And when you play, that’s when you’re whole
Roleplay, you’re playing a role
And when I look at you, that’s when I know
Roleplay, roleplay


Roleplay, you’re playing a role… I know
Roleplay, you’re playing a role… I know
Roleplay, I know… roleplay

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