Bobby O – Identity Energy

Letra “Bobby O – Identity Energy” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Identity energy
You can be anything that you want to be (identity)
All you have to do is do it, and you will see (identity energy)
Just pick a theme and give everything you’ve got (identity)


Identity energy
Claim your identity, and that’s what you will be
Identity energy (identity)
You are what you think, so think what you wanna be
Identity energy, identity energy

Verse 2

Put on a dress, and now you’re a pretty girl (identity)
Put on a business suit, and now you’re a man of the world (idеntity)
Pretend you care, fakе altruism rocks
Gym gear and now you’re such a jock
Round glasses with blue jacket, now you’re an academic


Identity energy (identity)
Claim your identity, and that’s what you will be
Identity energy (identity)
You are what you think, so think what you wanna be

Verse 3

Life is brief when you think about it
So why be serious, you’ll soon be without it
All is vanity and illusion
So let’s have fun with our identity delusion


Identity, identity, identity, identity
So let’s have fun with our identity delusion
Identity energy, identity
Identity energy, identity
Identity energy, identity energy


Identity energy (identity)
Claim your identity, and that’s what you will be
Identity energy (energy)
You are what you think, so think what you wanna be


Identity energy, identity energy, identity
You are what you think, so think what you wanna be
You are what you think, so think what you wanna be
You are what you think, so think what you wanna be
Identity energy (identity)
Identity energy (identity)
Identity, identity energy

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