Bob Moses – Heaven Only Knows

Lyrics, Letras da Musica
Sacrifice all your life
It’s hanging heavy when there’s blood on the line
It’s justify, don’t ask why
‘Cause heaven only knows

Paradise on your side
Won’t you suffer for the angels to fly?
Paralysed, don’t you cry
‘Cause heaven only knows

Sacrifice, don’t think twice
Wear your faith as you roll in the skies
It’s justify, don’t ask why
‘Cause heaven only knows

Heaven only knows
Heaven only knows
Heaven only knows

Paralysed on your life
Won’t you suffer for the angels to fly?
Sacrifice to make it right
‘Cause heaven only knows

Paralysed (heaven only knows)
Sacrifice (heaven only knows)
Paradise (heaven only knows)
Fall for a piece of mind

Paralysed (heaven only knows)
Sacrifice (heaven only knows)
Paradise (heaven only knows)
Fall for a piece of mind

Heaven only knows
Heaven only knows
Heaven only knows

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