Blue Nose B – Forever Passing Trains

Letra “Blue Nose B – Forever Passing Trains” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Close the door, the wind is blowing worlds apart
What’s more, I’m tired, downbeat, lonely
Or maybe mad, the place I call my home
Has gone way down, way down
My world is strewn around
My life is strewn around

Verse 2

Sigh or sigh, their towers crush our lives
We cry for release from this dying world
Then falling, we lose our way to a better world
To a garden, once our garden
We’ll never have that key again
Well, I’ve never had that


Watch the slowly passing trains
Taking men to age-old jokes
Tokens fall along the way
But that’s the way it goes
Watch the slowly passing trains
Taking men to age-old jokes
Tokens fall along the way
But that’s the way, the way it goes

Verse 3

End me now, I’m so frustrated reaching short
False treasures rise to keep our hearts a-ticking
How many die, knowing chances never came
How many die, knowing chances they took away

Verse 4

We’ve lost our way and God, we’re scared
But I know God man never heard
The God man never heard
Only the stars gaze down on us
How can we dare, yes how can we dare
To rely on anyone but ourselves
But ourselves


So watch the slowly passing trains
Taking men to age-old jokes
Tokens fall along the way
But that’s the way it goes
Watch the slowly passing trains
Taking men to age-old jokes
Tokens fall along the way
But that’s the way, the way it goes

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