Big Youth – Lightning Flash (Weak Heart Drop)

Letra “Big Youth – Lightning Flash (Weak Heart Drop)” Official Lyrics


Be you, Yabby-Yabby You (Show dem who lead us on)
Lightning stick him with him lightning yawn
A lightning clap an’ a weakheart drop

Verse 1

Say, natty play with di riddim (Move)
Natty rock with di riddim (Everyone cone to see Jah)
Natty-natty, a natty-natty, natty-natty-natty (Yeah)
Natty-natty-natty Congo, natty-natty-natty Congo
Natty-natty-natty, di natty dreadlock riddim (Yes)
Dreadlocks riddim (Seventy two different nation)
But watch out, man, all nation in dis time hear (Yeah)
Di righteous be glad


Verse 2

What you see is what you get
So you see it, so it is, ya
So di big cat see
Huh, I’m in the mood for love, huh (The kings of kings)
Lord of Lord, conquering lion of the tribe of Judah
Say, man say, an’ is the kingdom come, oh Jah
Thy kingdom come, oh Jah
A revelation kingdom, an’ a di blackman kingdom
Thy kingdom come, oh dread
Thy kingdom come, oh Jah (Yeah)
One day have to one day to comе onе day next
Thy kingdom come, oh Jah
I an’ I, I an’ I, I an’ I, I an’ I
An’ I an’ I, I an’ I, I an’ I kingdom come, oh Jah
Rеvеlation sound (Lord of mercy)
Revelation sound, huh-huh, revelation sound
In a di dreadlock yawn


Natty, natty, nat up
Natty, dreadlocks

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