Beyond Hyperion – R.A.N.T

Letra “Beyond Hyperion – R.A.N.T” Official Lyrics

Oh, shit
Is it like a shrink session or something?
Ha ha ha
Y’know what?
Fuck, I’m down
Run it, dude

Looked like love at first sight
Left me in pain, spittin’ blood
Like a gut parasite
Wrapped me up around your finger
Showed me heavenly light
Then tricked me like a fool
Almost caught a disease
Thought of you as a savior
How could I believe?
A pretty face with a sharp knife
Right under her sleeve

Strange times
Condensed in these rhymes
While I’d like to shout-out
“God-damn, fools, I’m finе!”
But it looks like my peace would bе a fuckin’crime
But dude, what about the good times?
Hope they haunt your idiot ass
While you’re like
“Oh my god, that’s so sinister”
But you wanted it that way
And I’m no Dean Winchester

Take this sick serenade
As a present, a hope bringer
Or as a bullet in your back from this gunslinger
I might seem bitter, but I swear, I got no hate
It’s just the medicine, runnin’ like a train through my vein
Just keepin’ me mad instead of goin’insane
Gonna end this clownery with a thing or two
And they go like:
“Fuck you, and that Rock Lee lookin’ motherfucker too”

Well, sorry bae, didn’t mean to disrespect
But you’re the villain in this story
And Y’know
It’s just a fact
Ha ha ha
That was savage, homie
Feel a little bit better now, though

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