Aurette And The Polska Seeking Carnival – Wonderland

Wonderland – Aurette And The Polska Seeking Carnival
Lyrics, Letra:
Curiosity and imagination will be great when they’re combined
It’ll take you take to some new place such a wonderland
So you could imagine yourself as a seagull
Who have a clear point of view about freedom from the highest sky
It’s a wonderland, place where you can find happiness
It’s a wonderland, place where you can be free
Curiosity and imagination will be great when they’re combined
It’ll take you to some new place such a wonderland
So you could imagine yourself as a rabbit
Running forward so fast, never looking back to the past
to the past..
It’s a wonderland, place where you can find happiness
It’s a wonderland, place where you can be free
It’s a wonderland, place where you can find happiness
It’s a wonderland, place where you can be free

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