Audrey Sherman – 11:11

Letra “Audrey Sherman – 11:11” Official Lyrics

Verse 1: Audrey Sherman

It’s half-past 11, hope to get home before then
It’s half-past, hope I stay put together
Before I fall apart into broken pieces
If I look at the clock
It now says 11:11
But if I tried to stop
My life from going on
Then I don’t deserve to be graceful & strong
Breaking thru my complications
Turning them into happy conversations
Let me go home
Let me be loved, more than ever before

Chorus: Audrey Sherman

Please let me in
Hеar me cry from end to end
No strings attachеd
Except the ones that you cut off from my back
Cuz, I know that where I stand
Is where you will also stand
When I cry
You’re always there to comfort me
When I shine
I know that you’re there watching over me happily

Verse 2: Audrey Sherman

11:11, The doors to Heaven will soon open
11:11, The angels from Heaven will come down in pairs of 7
11:11, 11:11, I’ll keep on happily crying
11:11, The doors to Heaven will soon open
11:11, The hearts of others, will open up again

Pre-Chorus: Audrey Sherman

Cry, cry hear it again
Can’t stop thinking about it
Cry, cry hear it again
Ring, ringing in my mind
Without ever stopping

Bridge: Audrey Sherman

It’s half-past 11, hope to get home before then
It’s half-past, hope I stay put together
Before I fall apart into broken pieces
If I look at the clock
It now says 11:11
But if I tried to stop
My life from going on
Then I don’t deserve to be graceful & strong
Breaking thru my complications
Turning them into happy conversations
Let me go home
Let me be loved, more than ever before

Post-Chorus: Audrey Sherman

Please let me in
Hear me cry from end to end
No strings attached
Except the ones that you cut off from my back
Cuz, I know that where I stand
Is where you will also stand
When I cry
You’re always there to comfort me
When I shine
I know that you’re there watching over me happily

Chorus: Audrey Sherman

11:11, Let all the love in this world open up again
Don’t always stand where nothing falls in your hands
11:11, Let me see the angels in those pairs of 7
Don’t always think
That you let yourself down
Not, ever when he’s always around

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