American Football – Uncomfortably Numb ft. Hayley Williams

Uncomfortably Numb – American Football ft. Hayley Williams
Lyrics, Letra:
Verse 1
Sensitivity deprived
I can’t feel a thing inside
I blamed my father in my youth
Now as a father, I blame the booze
I have become uncomfortably numb

(Verse 2: Mike Kinsella, Hayley Williams, Kinsella & Williams}:
Whose ugly side is the ugliest?
Sensitivity deprived
All my sympathy prescribed
Whose hands are tied to a contortionist?
I used to struggle in my youth
Now I’m used to struggling for two
I have become uncomfortably numb

(Chorus: Mike Kinsella, Hayley Williams, Kinsella & Williams}:
The lessons
The lessons
Are so much
Are so much
Less obvious
The further you get from home
The further I get from home
How will you exist
How will I exist
Without consequence
I’ll let you know

(Verse 3: Hayley Williams}:
We were gentle to begin
When I pushed you around to break you in
Now whenever I try to be clear with you
I only end up feeling see-through
I’ve tried, but you’ve won
Comatose, like father like son

(Chorus: Mike Kinsella, Hayley Williams, Kinsella & Williams}:
The lessons
The lessons
Are so much
Are so much
Less obvious
The further you get from home
The further I get from home
How will you exist
How will I exist
I don’t want to know
Blacked out, protected
I just want you home
I’ll make new friends in the ambulance

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