Alice Dreamt – Great Abandon

Letra “Alice Dreamt – Great Abandon” Official Lyrics

Long ago, I was a blank sheet
Could paint anything on me
But my little trembling hand
Couldn’t hold the brush, you see

The guilt of the heart
Oh, the body that has no real master
Oh, marionettes dance so wildly with such great abandon

There is a haunted house in me
All the ghosts of what I’ve seen
Oh, being alive does not mean that you are living

The guilt of the heart
Oh, the body that has no real master
Oh, marionettes dance so wildly with such great abandon

Here’s to someday, passing away
Having said all I wish to say

Long ago, I was a blank sheet
Could paint anything on me
But my little trembling hand
Couldn’t hold thе brush, you see

The guilt of the heart
Oh, thе body that has no real master
Oh, marionettes dance so wildly with such great abandon

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