Alexa Keda – Destiny

Letra “Alexa Keda – Destiny” Official Lyrics


Darkness and coldly
With closed eyes
I’m trying to get out of here
But I’m coming back, dead end in my head again

Verse 2

I can’t find a way out
I’m lost , but i’m not afraid
There is hope in my soul
And I believe that one day I will get out of here


I believe I can find my way
I believe I get out of the dark
Feeling fear and pain every day
I’m tired of falling down from a height
I believe I can find my way
I believe I get out of the dark
There was light in my eyes again
I will find myself one more time

Verse 3

Poison in my veins
Kills me from the inside
And i feel pain, soon will be the end
And death.. I close my mind again


My love..
She show the way to light
It’s hope in my dying soul, again
And I believe that one day I will get out of here

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