Akira The Don – Determining the Direction of the Cosmos

Letra “Akira The Don – Determining the Direction of the Cosmos” Official Lyrics

I do believe that it really matters
That every single person gets their act together
We are networked together
We think of ourselves as 7 billion isolated units
And despair that none of us have any significance or purpose
Not the case


We’re each the center
In a vast network
We’re each responsible
For dеtermining the direction of thе cosmos
We’re each the center
In a vast network
We’re each responsible
For determining the direction of the cosmos

As far as I can tell
And it isn’t obvious to see
How we can each be charged with that responsibility
But it still seems to me that it’s the case
We’re also very annoyed and irritated with one another
If we don’t treat each other as if that was the truth
So that’s my big adventure
You think, well here’s something you could do with your life
Devote it to making everything you possibly can better
And see what happens
Tell the truth
Aim high
Tell the truth
Aim high
And see where you can get with that
Tell the truth
Aim high
Tell the truth
Aim high
It’s like there’s an adventure for you
There’s an adventure for you



We’re each the center
In a vast network
We’re each responsible
For determining the direction of the cosmos
We’re each the center
In a vast network
We’re each responsible
For determining the direction of the cosmos


That’s my big adventure (We’re each the center)
In a vast network
That’s my big adventure (We’re each responsible)
For determining the direction of the cosmos
That’s my big adventure (We’re each the center)
In a vast network
That’s my big adventure (We’re each the center)
For determining the direction of the cosmos

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