Afinity & Josh Rubin – Breakthrough

Letra “Afinity & Josh Rubin – Breakthrough” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

I can see the shadows hanging over you
I would help you fight them if you asked me to
I don’t need to understand
You just have to take my hand
Second chances come when there’s the most to lose


If you just breathe, set yourself free
I know you’re waiting for a lifeline
Maybe that’s me
If you just breathe, set yourself free
It’s okay if you take a break from reality


I will guide you
‘Til the light breaks through (Oh-oh-oh)
I will guide you
‘Til the light breaks through


Verse 2

We should get away for a minute
I can’t rеad your mind, let me in it
Hoping I can get your trust
I just a need a way to provе
That I would go to war for you
Can you take a chance on us?


If you just breathe, set yourself free
I know you’re waiting for a lifeline
Maybe that’s me
If you just breathe, set yourself free
It’s okay if you take a break from reality


I will guide you
‘Til the light breaks through
I will guide you
‘Til the light breaks through


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