鷺巣詩郎 (Shiro Sagisu) – "Fallen Angels" Opus1

Letra “鷺巣詩郎 (Shiro Sagisu) – "Fallen Angels" Opus1” Official Lyrics

Fallen Angels, turn to evil
With a vengeance, hell has given
Once of god now slaves and demons
To the devil they have chosen

Fallen Angels, turn to evil (guarding the gate to a hell full of hate,)
With a vengeance, hell has given (unforgiving sentries asunder to pillage your soul)
Once of god now slaves and demons (obliterate everything good and great,)
To the devil they have chosen (in a fire ferociously burning to leave all for dead.)

Soldiers of misfortune casting misery to court the devil
The fallen angels lead your soul to the abyss


Fallen Angels, turn to evil (guarding the gate to a hell full of hate,)
With a vengeance, hell has given (unforgiving sentries asunder to pillage your soul)
Once of god now slaves and demons (obliterate everything good and great,)
To the devil they have chosen (in a fire ferociously burning to leave all for dead.)


Soldiers of misfortune casting misery to court the devil
The fallen angels lead your soul to the abyss

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